Vollständige Version anzeigen : 360° views...
28.12.2002, 11:34
Hello Eap fans !
I've just been uploading two 360° views taken during the last 2 days : the interior (cabin) of the hapag lloyd 738 & one of a part of the tarmac of the EAP...
here are the links :
Give me feedbacks... C U !
PS : Licensed edition but problems with the javascript...
Marc Seidel
28.12.2002, 12:44
Hi NISSair!
These 3-6-ty's are really cool! :cool:
The night shots impress me :eek:
But now the questions: :D
How did you shoot them? With a DigiCam (foto/film)?
Which camera do you have to shoot these excellent night-pictures?
You have used a tripod?
Whats your technique when shooting 360°?
I could also imagine to have a webcam on the roof of the Y-Lounge. So we could watch the EAP-Tarmac every time like this... :rolleyes:
28.12.2002, 13:19
:confused: I only get blank pages.
Marc Seidel
28.12.2002, 13:45
Originally posted by warlord
:confused: I only get blank pages.
That seems to be a Mac-Problem!
Neither in IE nor in NS7 appears anything. :mad:
I'm happy to have both machines ;)
28.12.2002, 14:23
Hello NISSair
I am just enjoying your fine 360-Javascript photos!
Could you please make some more of them in the
Perhaps you are one of the ones who could get
access and the occasion to visit the tower to make
a "360-shot" from there as well?
Wouldn't that be a great idea?:)
HNY and many greetings!
28.12.2002, 14:33
Für alle, welche die 360°-Ansicht nicht darstellen können gibts trotzdem etwas anzuschauen:
Hier die Bilder dazu:
HNY = Happy New Year :)
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